The Adventure Begins...
This adventure takes 5 minutes to play and has 7 possible endings.
In this adventure you are the galaxy's most famous and daring thief, Vasco Halian. With your partner in crime Tila Nova, you have terrorized banks and wealthy collectors for years with your amazing and cunning crimes.
You are relaxing in your state-of-the-art hot tub (bought with the proceeds from your last adventure), when Tila rushes into the room.
"You have got to see this," she exclaims, thrusting her handheld communicator in front of you. Wiping the condensation from its small video screen, you a see a picture of what looks like a cross between a rabbit and a large mouse.
"It's a Pelerian Tree Kangaroo," Tila explains. "There are only 2 of them left in the entire galaxy, and this one has been kidnapped. A reward is being offered for its safe return - we have to find it!"
Will you try to save the tree kangaroo?
You have 2 choices: